Health Minister to Sway Canadian Dental Professionals to Sign Up for CDCP

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Oral health professionals have concerns regarding the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), which Health Minister Mark Holland is hoping to address to encourage more to sign up as providers for the program.

The program is expected to launch in May 2024, but it is unclear whether those enrolled will be able to see their oral-health provider as most are hesitant to register due to the current fee guide and other factors. The guide shows the pay out for dentists will be considerably less than the provincial recommended guides so dentists will be working at a loss.

There are also concerns surrounding the additional administrative tasks that dental offices will need to take on when they may not have the staff power.

Holland is going on a tour of Canada to meet with dental professionals and sway them to register. He has acknowledged that it is an ongoing process and may not be perfect right away.

The Canadian Press reported, “He wants to reassure them that the program will be as smooth for them as dealing with any other private insurance company, he said, and added that the negotiation about fees is ongoing.”

Read more on this report from the Toronto Star.

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