Skin Care

I’ve been a big fan of retinol and prescription retinoids since they came on the scene for anti-aging in the early ’90s. However, back then, the lack of ...

Notalgia Paresthetica is a common cause of itching in the middle of the back. Did you know that 10% of people will develop this intense itch in ...

Are zinc oxide sunscreens better than those with chemical UV filter ingredients or even titanium dioxide? In my opinion as a dermatologist who has ...

On the Rosacea Forum, "Ghost" asked me a question about Poikiloderma of Civatte. Ghost was interested in what causes Poikiloderma of Civatte and ...

Tretinoin, often known by its brand name Retin-A, is a dermatologist-favored powerhouse for combatting skin aging. But navigating its application ...

What are milia and what causes them? It's a common question in my dermatology office - because milia are common. You can get milia at any age, ...

Learn how to get rid of beardruff from a dermatologist. Yep, there is a medical reason for beardruff and a trained skin care doc is the one to ...

We’ve all been there—you buy a new skincare product only to use it a handful of times before the novelty wears off. It gets shuffled to the back of your ...

How to get rid of blackheads is a question that spans your lifetime after adolescence. You never entirely outgrow the ability to make blackheads ...

Get my dermatologist's tips for how to unclog your clogged pores and blackheads to have fresh, clean-looking skin! Sometimes the "dark stuff" you ...

Is it safe to use a loofah to scrub your skin? As a dermatologist, I never recommend a natural loofah (also spelled luffa) for showering. They ...

Knowing the top dermatologist-recommended skin care tips and products to treat your skin will help control your skin’s sensitivity. There are key ...